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Here is the list of items showing how many current eBay auctions are underway.
The detail will show the current bid price for the item.

ItemYear Released Year Retired Collection Right Now on eBay
B.a. Freyed Clocksmith2022Spooky Town9
B.B.Q. Pit Restaurant20002003Harvest Crossing3
Babys First Christmas2018Caddington Village5
Back At Base Lodge20022013Holidays2
Back From The Dead20072011Spooky Town17
Back To School20122014Coventry Cove0
Backlit Tombstones20122016Halloween5
Backwoods Snowshoe Rental Shop20182024Vail Village1
Backyard Camping20102015Village Collection3
Backyard Drive-in2023Caddington Village4
Bad Dog2012Kmart Exclusive0
Bad Moon Broom Rides20142016Spooky Town5
Bad To The Bone2017Spooky Town8
Bag O'Bones20122015Spooky Town23
Bag Of Bones20182022Spooky Town0
Baggage Handlers20012012Holidays4
Bailey & Bella Pet Shop2022Spooky Town5
Baily's Music School Carolers2020Caddington Village0
Bainbridge Abbey 19931997Lighted House / Building1
Bake Sale Fundraiser20112013Holidays0
Baked Cookie Christmas Tree20042007Sugar n Spice0
Baker's Dozen20162023Jukebox Junction2
Baker's Mill19972024Harvest Crossing9
Baker's Wagon20012012Village Collection2
Bakery Delivery2021Caddington Village2
Baldcypress Large2014Harvest Crossing0
Baldcypress Tree Medium2014Harvest Crossing1
Ball Street Lamp20042015Holidays0
Ball Street Lamp, set of 22010Coventry Cove6
Ballerinas2012Coventry Cove0
Balloon Baby20112018Carnival1
Balloon Clown2013Spooky Town15
Balloon Rides20062012Carnival29
Ballroom Couple20032007Caddington Village0
Ballroom Dancers2011Coventry Cove2
Balsam Fir Tree, Large2016General Products2
Balsam Fir Tree, Small2016General Products2
Balsam Glen Church2022Caddington Village0
Bamford House20062008Caddington Village0
Band Of Police20042006Holidays1
Banker20052015Holidays Seasons0
Banshee's Boo-B-Traps20152023Spooky Town7
Banshee's Treats2024Spooky Town0
Barber Shoppe 19961999Plymouth Corners11
Bargain Hunting20052011Holidays2
Barmaid20042015Coventry Cove8
Barn Birdhouse20072014Holidays15
Barn Dance20002004Harvest Crossing4
Barn House20122021Harvest Crossing1
Barn Sale20022006Harvest Crossing0
Barnacle Bob's Scuba & Boat Salvage20092016Plymouth Corners1
Barrington Fine Tailors20162020Caddington Village0
Barsom's Furniture20092013Holidays0
Bart's Country Produce & Crafts2020Harvest Crossing1
Barton's Books20132016Caddington Village0
Baseball Buddies20182019Summer Americana1
Baseball Practice2023General Products1
Basket Of Seashells20032007Holidays2
Basket Weaving20052007Holidays0
Bass Hall20012008Holidays12
Bass Lake Fishing Cabin20122017Vail Village2
Bat Bath2015Spooky Town6
Bat Fence Gate2020Spooky Town3
Bat Lair20092013Spooky Town6
Batboy20122015Spooky Town0
Bathtime Battle20152021General Products2
Batting Practice20102014Holidays5
Battle Anubis20092014Spooky Town1
Batty For Pumpkins Tree2019Spooky Town5
Bauer's Wiener Schnitzel Haus20112014Holidays1
Bavarian Ale House2009Carole Towne Collection5
Bavarian Pretzel Factory20042006Holidays1
Bay Boat Works20042008Plymouth Corners6
Bay Harbor Lighthouse19982002Holidays0
Bay Street Dry Goods 19911999Lighted House / Building1
Bay View Cottage20142023Plymouth Corners0
Bay View Lighthouse20062010Plymouth Corners2
Bayberry Hill Police20042007Caddington Village3
Bayberry Place20142021Caddington Village1
Bayham Street Market 19911996Lighted House / Building0
BBQ Weekend20192020Summer Americana2
Be Careful What You Wish For20072013Spooky Town1
Be-Witching Bike Ride2013Spooky Town11
Beach Chairs20042011Holidays0
Beach Wagon20082012Holidays16
Beach Wagon20012008Village Collection0
Beacon Hill Chapel20202023Caddington Village1
Beadle Bumble20092011Holidays1
Beadwell's Bank 19911996Lighted House / Building0
Beamans Bakery20182023Caddington Village0
Bean Bag Toss20192020Summer Americana2
Bean Happy Coffee Shop2022Caddington Village5
Bear Buffet2017General Products6
Bear Cave20102014Holidays1
Bear Creek Chapel2024Vail Village0
Bear Family Snow Day2020Vail Village0
Bear Sculpture20042011Holidays2
Bears At Play20002014Holidays3
Bears By River20092014Holidays1
Beaumont Inn20022006Village Collection1
Beautiful Bonnet20052006Holidays0
Beauty Salon19982002Holidays3
Bed & Breakfast 19931999Vail Village23
Bedford Tailor19932003Dickensvale6
Bedingfield's Landscape & Tree20202023Harvest Crossing0
Beersmith Row2020Caddington Village3
Begging for a Bone 19931999Figurines8
Beginner Boarder2023Caddington Village2
Beginner Skaters2020Vail Village0
Belgian Waffle House20102015Caddington Village2
Belinda's Biscuiteer2021Caddington Village1
Bell Hop Blues 19981999Figurines3
Bell Ornament Lamp Post, Set Of 22015General Products0
Bell Ornament Lamp, set of 22015Coventry Cove2
Bell Ringers 19931999Figurines19
Bell Ringing Fireman20052008Holidays6
Bell's Gourmet Popcorn Factory2017Caddington Village20
Bella's Bon Bons2019Caddington Village9
Bella's Boutique20142023Jukebox Junction0
Bellows And Co. Blacksmith2019Caddington Village1
Bells & Whistles20162020Caddington Village10
Belmont Bank 19961998Caddington Village0
Belmont Carousel20042012Carnival19
Bench Figures2015General Products2
Benjamins Bakery20182023Caddington Village1
Bentley Estate20062010Caddington Village1
Berkshire Bank & Trust Company2023Norman Rockwell2
Berkshire Cathedral19992001Holidays0
Bernie's Bicycle Shop2001ShopKo Exclusive0
Bernie's Teddy Bears20122021Caddington Village6
Berquist Ballet / Mcallister Gallery20032005Holidays0
Berry Brothers Big Top2015Carnival1
Berry Pickers 19931999Figurines0
Berryville Bus Depot20182022Harvest Crossing0
Bessie - Tug Boat20012007Plymouth Corners3
Best Buds Dog Supply Store2019Spooky Town20
Best Decorated House20122020Harvest Crossing3
Best Decorated House20182019Sears Exclusive Product0
Best Friends Share2022Caddington Village11
Bethel Memorial Cathedral19942001Holidays4
Bettes Cake Boutique20182019Sears Exclusive Product0
Betty's Blue China Shop20202023Caddington Village0
Bicycle (Self-Stand)20022003Holidays0
Bicycle (Self-Stand)2011Holidays Seasons1
Bicycle, set of 22014Coventry Cove44
Bicycles, Set Of 2 (Self-Stand)2011Enhancements0
Biding Time20072012Holidays3
Biding Time Lamp Post20032006Holidays1
Big Bear2017Gift Spice3
Big Ben Pub20122021Caddington Village5
Big Bite Sandwiches2019Jukebox Junction0
Big Cat Cabin20132023Vail Village7
Big Fish20082012Holidays4
Big Game Hunter20112014Vail Village0
Big Game Sportsman20142019Down to Business1
Big Mountain Outfitters20092012Vail Village3
Big Pine Gas Station2017Vail Village9
Big River Station20082010Caddington Village0
Big Tarantula20082024Spooky Town17
Bigfoot Brewhaus2023Halloween5
Biggest Christmas Pudding!2024Caddington0
Bijou Theater20102022Harvest Crossing0
Bijou Theater2009Sears Exclusive Product1
Bike Ride Date2019Caddington Village0
Bike Ride, Set Of 32017General Products7
Bike, Barber & Stationery Shop20082021Plymouth Corners2
Biking Fun2019Caddington Village7
Bill's Produce Mart20062008Harvest Crossing5
Birch Creek Ice Fishing Festival2023Vail Village17
Birch TreeCarole Towne Collection26
Bird Bath Dog Fountain2019Caddington Village7
Bird Fountain2018Accessories8
Bird Rock Lighthouse20042005Plymouth Corners0
Bird Watching Family20012008Holidays1
Bird Watching Family20092015Holidays Seasons9
Birdhouse Curiosity20042012Holidays7
Birds Nest Cottage20022006Caddington Village1
Birds' Friends20162018General Products0
Birthday Party At The Stanwicks20192024Caddington Village0
Black Bull Tavern2008Coventry Cove0
Black Castle20092016Spooky Town0
Black Cat Adoption20142022Spooky Town6
Black Cat Countdown2022Spooky Town7
Black Cat Halloween Decor20202024Spooky Town6
Black Cat Millinery, Set Of 220172024Spooky Town8
Black Cauldron Bootique20102024Spooky Town0
Black Cauldron Inn20022007Spooky Town1
Black Crow Antiques 19931999Harvest Crossing1
Black Crystal Tree Large20052007Sugar n Spice0
Black Crystal Tree Medium20052007Sugar n Spice0
Black Hat Costume Co.20052007Sugar n Spice0
Black Jack's Casino, With Adaptor2009Spooky Town0
Black Mountain Coal Mine20112016Spooky Town0
Black Raven Manor2020Spooky Town23
Black Raven Manor, With 4.5v Adaptor2021Spooky Town7
Black Tupelo Tree Medium2014Harvest Crossing1
Black Walnut Tree2016General Products2

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eBay compatible application Last Updated February 11, 2025, 5:10 am
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